Adding Rethink Search to Your Property Layouts
Add the Rethink Search tab to your navigation bar. To do this, click the pencil (edit) icon in your navigation bar, then add Rethink Search to your navigation items.
Next, add the Property Match component to your properties page layout. To do this, open any property record, then go to Setup > Edit Page.
In the left pane, under Components > Custom , drag propertyMatch onto your page layout.
Searching for Property Data
To search for property data, go to Rethink Search and type the property address in the Address Search box. For best results, include the full street address and city, state, and/or zip code.
Exact matches will appear under Rethink Properties, while similar property suggestions (Flex Search) will appear under Similar Properties.
Click the gray bar on any property to view more information.
Viewing Expanded Data
Click the expand button to view detailed property information.
Detailed property data, when available, will include: Demographics, Ownership, Transactions, Debt, Tax, and NYC Lot information (where applicable).
Saving Property Data to Rethink
In the search results pane, click Save to My Data to create a new property record in Rethink. Fields that we can populate with property data will be filled in and saved automatically. If we are unable to automatically select the property record type, you will be prompted to choose from your available property record types.
Saving Contact & Company Data to Rethink
When viewing expanded property data, under Ownership, click 'Create Contact' or 'Create Company' to easily save the contact or company to your Rethink database.
When creating a new contact record, the following fields will be saved to Rethink:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Company Name (if none present, the company name saved to the contact record will be "Unknown")
When creating a new company record, the following fields will be saved to Rethink:
Company Name
Company Phone
Mailing Address
Creating Comps from Transaction Data
Transaction data from a property search can now be converted into Sales Comp records. When viewing expanded property data, under Transactions, click 'Create Comp' to automatically create a comp from the transaction data.
For a transaction record to be eligible for comp creation, it must have a sale date and sale price. The below table explains how the fields are populated from the derived transaction data.
Field | Value |
Deal | Blank |
Comp Name | [Address] + [ Year ] + “ (Sale Comp)” |
Comp Source | “External” |
Buyer (Contact) | Look up or leave blank |
Buyer (Company) | Look up or leave blank |
Seller (Contact) | Look up or leave blank |
Seller (Company) | Look up or leave blank |
Property Name | Look up or leave blank |
Property Class | Blank |
Property Type | Property type field |
Year Built | Year built field |
Address | Address field |
Building Size (SF) | Building sq ft field |
City | City field |
State | State field |
Market | Blank |
Submarket | Blank |
Close Deal Date | Executed date field |
Price (Total) | Sale price field |
Price (PSF) | Price per sq ft field |
Cap Rate (YR 1) | Blank |
Cap Rate (Stabilized) | Blank |
Merging Property Information
Use the External Data (Property Match) component in a property record to search our database for additional property data. This is useful for property records you create manually or via an external source other than Rethink Search, as it locates data from our database and merges it with your existing property record in Rethink.
If an address match is found, the address and property information will be displayed. Click Merge to begin the process of importing this data.
Property Debt and Tax Data
Use the External Data (Property Match) component in a property record to search our database for additional property data. If a match is found, click Get Financials to view property debt and tax record details.
If there is more than one debt available, click Create All to save all debt records to Rethink. Otherwise, individually choose which debt records to save by clicking Create Debt.
If financial information is not available, a message will appear indicating this.
Debt and tax records are saved in a related list in the property record called Financials. Your Rethink system administrator may need to add this related list component to your properties layouts.
This related list also allows the user to manually add or create debt records, if desired.