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Rethink Summer 2022 Release Notes - v3.19 (Sprint 7)
Rethink Summer 2022 Release Notes - v3.19 (Sprint 7)
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

New Functionality

  • Ability to Share Associated Party Contacts via Email in Deal Pipeline

  • Site Selections Can Now Be Created Within GEOsearch

  • Ability to Automatically Update Property Records with External Data

  • Improved Look of Stacking Plan & Stacking Plan PDF

  • Rethink Search (v1.34) - Parcel Boundaries

  • Rethink Search (v1.34) & Property Sites - Demographics: Population Statistics

Minor Fixes/Bug Fixes

  • Updated Rethink Logos and Branding

  • Updated Help Center Links on Home Page

  • Removed Nintex Generate Documents Button

  • Added Property Field to New Offer in Deal Pipeline

  • Added Property Field to New Inquiry in Deal Pipeline

  • Removed Listing Inquiries Related List From Buyer Rep and Tenant Rep Deal Layouts

  • Removed Site Selection From Seller Rep and Landlord Rep Deal Layouts

  • Renamed Prospects Related List to Inquiries/Requirements in Property Object

  • Added Tasks Tab to Navigation Bar

  • Added Recurring Task Option to Task Layout

  • List Widget - Prioritize My Lists

  • Property Sites - Demographics: Estimated Unemployment (Employment vs Unemployment Bar Graph Correction)

  • Added Additional Fields to Comps Automation

New Functionality

Ability to Share Associated Party Contacts via Email in Deal Pipeline

We designed a simple way in Deal Pipeline for users to send contact information housed in the Associated Parties related list by email.


To enable this feature, the system administrator will need to do the following:

  • Add the 'Email' and 'Send Contact Email' buttons to the Deal Pipeline page layouts.

  • Grant all user profiles permission to Apex Class 'DealSendContactEmailController'

Refer to the video clip below for guidance on the above process.

After the steps above have been completed, simply click the new Send Contact Email button within a deal to generate an email containing Associated Party information.

Site Selections Can Now Be Created Within GEOsearch

We added the ability to create Site Selections from within GEOsearch and associate them with pre-existing deals. To use this functionality, click the drop-down arrow in the GEOsearch toolbar and select 'Create Site Selection'.


Select the desired Record Type, then click Next. Select an existing deal to associate the Site Selection to or create a new deal by clicking Create New Deal.


Ability to Automatically Update Property Records with Cherre Data (Rethink Search)

Users are now able to opt in via a checkbox in property records to automatically override field data with newly fetched data from Cherre (our external data provider). These updates will be on a monthly cadence.


Checking this box in a property record will merge any missing field data; This will populate any missing data (via cherre) on the first of each month.

In order to use this feature, the 'Auto-Update via External Data' field must be added to property layouts.


Improved Look of Stacking Plan & Stacking Plan PDF

The Stacking Plan component has an improved look for better visibility and legibility - both the layout and its rendered state as a PDF. Both new looks are shown below.

Stacking Plan:


Stacking Plan PDF:


Rethink Search - Parcel Boundaries

When users search for properties in Rethink Search, they will now be able to see the parcel boundary for the record they are viewing. This will help ensure users know exactly what is included in the information provided (e.g. how many buildings are housed within the boundary).


Rethink Search & Property Sites - Demographics: Population Statistics

Note: Both of the features below are dependent on whether Cherre (our external data provider) has information available for the zip code of the queried property.

Total Population is now included in the “Demographics” section when viewing expanded property information in Rethink Search.


Population Statistics is now included as part of the Demographics tab in Property Sites.


Minor Fixes/Bug Fixes

Updated Rethink Logos and Branding

Rethink logos and login screen have been updated. The changes will be reflected in new orgs deployed after Sprint 7. This change does not apply to existing orgs.

Updated Help Center Links on Home Page

Help center links on the Rethink home page component have been updated. The changes will be reflected in new orgs deployed after Sprint 7. This change does not apply to existing orgs.

Removed Nintex Generate Documents Button

The Nintex "Generate Documents" button has been removed from page layouts for all new orgs deployed after Sprint 7. This change does not apply to existing orgs.

Added Property Field to New Offer in Deal Pipeline

When a user creates a new offer from within a deal record (via the New Offer button), they will now have the option to associate the offer to a property.


Added Property Field to New Inquiry in Deal Pipeline

When a user creates a new inquiry from within a deal record (via the New Inquiry button), they will now have an option to associate the inquiry to a property.

Removed Listing Inquiries Related List From Buyer Rep and Tenant Rep Deal Layouts

Buyer Rep and Tenant Rep deals will no longer have Listing Inquiries options, as they are not applicable to these record types.

Removed Site Selection From Seller Rep and Landlord Rep Deal Layouts

Seller Rep and Landlord Rep deals will no longer have Site Selection options. Site Selections has also been removed from Quick Links for these record types.

Renamed Prospects Related List to Inquiries/Requirements in Property Object

Renamed all the leads related list so they’re labeled “Inquiries/Requirements” in properties, spaces, deal pipeline, etc.

Added Tasks Tab to Navigation Bar

The Tasks tab has been added to the navigation bar for easy access.

Added Recurring Task Field to Task Layout

The Recurring Task option has been added to the Task layout by default.

List Widget - Prioritize My Lists

When using the list widget in conjunction with GEOsearch, users will now notice that their list is displayed first (alphanumerically) followed by the lists created by other team members. Users will also notice a faint visual line indicating the division between their lists and those other users have created. This will reduce clutter and disorganization for brokers and users who are heavily reliant on call lists in their business workflow.

Property Sites - Demographics: Estimated Unemployment (Employment vs Unemployment Bar Graph Correction)

Because Cherre (our external data provider) collects employment and unemployment data as separate fields, we made changes to the user interface so a bar graph will not be displayed if unemployment statistics are not available.


Instead, we added logic that subtracts the 'Employed' statistic from the total employment statistics to then display an “Estimated Unemployment” statistic bar.

Additional Fields Added to Comps Automation

Comps that are automatically created upon deal close will now include 'Zipcode' and 'Country' fields. These values will be carried over to the comp from the closed deal (as long as there are values present in the deal before the deal is closed).

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