In GEOsearch, you have the ability to generate PDF documents of selected properties, spaces/units, comps, and deals. By default, the Rethink company logo is displayed on the PDF; however, you can change it to your own company logo and further personalize by adding your contact details to the footer of the page. This article will step you through the process.
How to Update PDF Logo
To upload your company logo, you will need to revert to Salesforce Classic mode. To do this, click your avatar in the upper-right corner and select "Switch to Salesforce Classic".
Once in Salesforce Classic mode, click the "+" plus sign to access more objects.
Select Documents to replace the image file.
Open the folder 'REthink', then click on the file called 'Your Company Logo'.
Click Replace Document.
Click Choose file and select your new logo image file.
Click Replace Document.
Ensure that the option Externally Available Image is checked.
To review the new PDF logo, click on "Switch to Lightning Experience" at the top of the page.
Click on the GEOsearch tab.
Select the records to be displayed on your PDF and click the PDF icon.
Preview and/or download the document with the new company logo.
How to Update 'Exclusively Listed By' Details
PDF documents generated in GEOsearch contain an 'Exclusively Listed By' footer that will display your broker contact information.
First, ensure that you have a colleague record tied to your username. This is different from your Rethink user profile. To do this, click the App Launcher and search for 'colleagues', then select Colleagues from the drop-down list.
Next, change the list view to 'All' and look for your colleague record, then choose Edit from the drop-down menu. If you do not see your colleague record, then click the New button to create one and ensure that the Username field is completed and correct.
Update your colleague record with your contact details - such as name, phone, and email address - then click Save. The details that you enter here will be reflected in the PDF footer.
Lastly, you will need to refresh your browser and re-generate the PDF to see your changes.