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CommissionTrac Tenant Rep Data Map
CommissionTrac Tenant Rep Data Map
Updated over a year ago

Representing a Tenant means you are working on a Lease, so converting a Tenant Rep deal from Rethink to CommissionTrac will create a Lease Voucher.

Once a deal in your Rethink pipeline is marked 'Closed - Won' the 'Send to CommissionTrac' button becomes active. Understanding which Rethink fields populate which CommissionTrac fields will help maximize your success with this integration.

Below we have screenshots from both Rethink and CommissionTrac to allow you to reference both where the information is coming from and where it is expected to end up.

From Rethink's Perspective:


Notes: Deal Status must be Closed - Won for data to Sync to CommissionTrac
Deal Name in Rethink becomes the Voucher name in CommissionTrac
Lead Broker on Deal in Rethink becomes the Primary Inside Agent in CommissionTrac (Agents Tab)
Client (Company) on a Tenant Rep Deal in Rethink becomes Tenant Company in CommissionTrac (Affiliates Tab)
Client (Contact) on a Tenant Rep Deal in Rethink becomes Tenant Affiliate in CommissionTrac (Affiliates Tab)
Source of Deal in Rethink becomes the Business Source in CommissionTrac (Property Tab) (Note: CommissionTrac's Business Source table needs matching entries prior to sync for this field to populate. In our example, the Source of Deal in Rethink is "Marketing" so CommissionTrac's Business Source simple list needs an entry called "Marketing" before the sync for this field to correctly populate.)


Deal Commission (Gross) in Rethink's Pipeline Management section becomes the Invoicing Amount in CommissionTrac (Commission Tab) (Note: Even with this field populated, an Invoice needs to be created against the Deal in Rethink for the Invoicing parameters in CommissionTrac to populate.)
Close Date in Rethink becomes the Closing Date in CommissionTrac (Commission Tab)


Date Space Needed in Rethink becomes Occupancy Date in CommissionTrac
Date of Pitch
in Rethink becomes Execution Date in CommissionTrac (Commissions Tab).
in Rethink becomes Region in CommissionTrac (Property Info Tab). (Note: CommissionTrac's Region table needs matching entries prior to sync for this field to populate. In our example, the Market in Rethink is "New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA" so CommissionTrac's Business Source simple list needs an entry called "New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA" before the sync for this field to correctly populate.)


Property Name in Rethink becomes the voucher's Building name in CommissionTrac (Property Info tab)
From inside the Property details in Rethink:

  • Address, City, State, Zip all become their corresponding fields in CommissionTrac (Property Info tab).

  • Record Type in Rethink becomes Property Type in CommissionTrac (Property Info Tab).

  • Building Size (SF) in Rethink becomes the Total(SF) of Deal in CommissionTrac (Property Info Tab).

Landlord (Company) and Landlord (Contact) become the Landlord Company and Contact on the CommissionTrac Affiliates Tab.
Lease Commencement becomes the Commencement Date in CommissionTrac (Commissions Tab)
Lease Expiration becomes the Expiration Date in CommissionTrac (Commissions Tab)


Use the Associated Parties section in Rethink's Deal Pipeline to add any additional internal or external agents, as well as the Bill To entity.
When creating these Associated Parties pay careful attention to the check boxes to properly set up the mapping of these parties. When attaching additional inside agents (Internal Colleagues) in Rethink, use the Fee Type (%) and Broker Fee fields to properly set up the commission splits between Inside Agents in CommissionTrac (Agents Tab).
Make sure to add an Associated Party that is listed as a CT Bill To to map to CommissionTrac's Bill To entity (Affiliates Tab)
Add any Outside Agents (with a check mark in the CT Outside Agent option) here if they are sharing a portion of the listed Commission. Use the Fee Type (%) and Broker Fee fields to properly set up the commission split that is due to the Outside Agent. in CommissionTrac (Agents Tab)

From CommissionTrac's Perspective:

Below we show CommissionTrac's Voucher Property Info, Affiliates, Commission, and Agent tabs. Fields that are expected to populate from a Rethink closed deal show where in Rethink the data comes from.


Please reach out to Product Support ( if you have any questions about CommissionTrac

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