In this article we will discuss how to fix your Google/ Microsoft contacts if you have activated Einstein Activity Capture (EAC) in your account prior to deleting the demo data.
When you install EAC prior to removing the demo data the demo contacts sync over to your email contacts folder causing a ton of demo data contact records. If you have chosen: Sync All Contacts, this will effect all users which can be a bit of a mess.
If this does happen, please follow the steps below:
Temporarily deactivate their EAC
In doing so, we can remove the dummy records and keep them form repopulating over and over again.
Remove the dummy data from Rethink
This will need to be done by Rethink Support
Delete all the contacts from the sync folder within your email
This will need to be done by each user
Turn Einstein Activity Capture back on
This can be done by the System Admin or Rethink Support
Users will most likely have to reconnect their email within Rethink