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Customizing Report Views
Customizing Report Views
Updated over a week ago

Review key report metrics in the header of the report run page in Lightning Experience. The Lightning Experience report header displays up to 8 metrics, in the order that they appear in the report, from left to right. These metrics include summaries such as average amounts, grand totals, subtotals, record counts, and formula column results.

Lightnning Reports run page header

To quickly view or hide a report’s count of rows, detail rows, subtotals, or the grand total record, use the toggles in the report footer. For matrix reports, the footer includes the option to switch between stacked and unstacked summaries' view. Stacked summaries appear together, whereas unstacked summaries appear in distinct columns.

Lightning reports footer toggles

Get even more done with the tools in the report header. Using the tools, you can:

  • trend a report (available with Einstein Analytics license)

  • show or hide a chart

  • add, remove, or modify report filters

  • collaborate with others on the report feed

  • refresh the report

    Tools in the report header

    Viewing jumbo-sized reports in the run page? Column headers are sticky, so, they don’t go out of sight as you page through report records.

    You can further customize how the records in the report display. From a column’s action menu, you can sort and group records, and even remove the column. You can also sort by various metrics from a grouping column.

    Column header action menu in Lightning reports

    Want to take a closer look at records from a summary or matrix report’s run page? Check the box next to a primary grouping value you want to drill down. Click Drill Down. Specify the field you want to group the results by, and click Apply

  • Drill down feature in Lightning reports
  • You can also view the record detail rows behind a matrix report. To do so, click the appropriate record in the summary table on the report run page. You can even click in the Total row.

    Let’s say you’re looking at the Accounts grouped by Industry report in the run page. If you want to review the records for just a specific industry, click the count for that industry in the summary table.

  • Detail rows in Lightning Experience
  • Want to review and compare key summarized metrics in matrix reports with lesser effort? For a more viewer-friendly version of the report involves less scrolling, view the report with Stacked Summaries option in the report footer enabled.

    Stacked Summaries in Lightning reports
  • To resize a column width, hover over the column header’s right edge. When the resize cursor appears, drag the edge until the data fits right for you. When you’re done, click the cursor to set the new width.

    Report resize columns

Please reach out to Product Support ( if you have any questions about Customizing Report Views.

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